On May 8th, 2004, HIH Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie attended the Graduation ceremony at La Roche College, Pennsylvania, of five more scholarship recipients from the Haile Selassie Fund for Ethiopian Children. Out of the twenty-two full scholarships granted through the Foundation, to date, fourteen students have received their BA Degree. The remaining eight are due to graduate in 2005.
At the luncheon organized by the Ethiopian group to celebrate the Graduation, the students and their parents expressed their heart-felt thanks to Prince Ermias for having given the students the opportunity to gain higher education. Furthermore, the students pledged to be of service to their country.
In turn, Prince Ermias expressed his appreciation to the students for having been such good Ambassadors for their country. He also thanked Mr. Tsegaye Kassa and Mr. Abey Tedela who had accompanied him to the Graduation, as well as others who were not present at the Graduation, but who had helped the students in various ways to benefit from higher education. These include: Board Members of the Pacem in Terris Institute at La Roche College in Pennsylvania; Dr. Richard Stevens; Ms. Mary McDavid; Major General Oliver Peacock; Mr. Noah Samara; Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Copley; Mr. Mussie Hailu; Mr. Giovani Ruffini; and Mr. Dawit Yohannes.