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Re-Consecration of Holy Trinity Cathedral

6 ጥር 2017 / 15 January 2025 – On January 14, 2025, His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie, President of the Crown Council of Ethiopia, and Patron of the Royal Ethiopian Trust, together with his wife, Princess Saba Kebede and other members of the Imperial family of Ethiopia, were present at the re-consecration of Addis Ababa’s Holy Trinity Cathedral following extensive renovation of the building.  Prince Ermias was appointed as Fundraising Ambassador for fundraising efforts for the Cathedral outside of Ethiopia in November 2023.

The ceremonies began with the ታቦቶች/Tabots (Arks) of the Cathedral being carried in procession from the Church of Beále Wold where they were enshrined while the Cathedral was being restored.  The Tabots were then brought to the front of the Cathedral before celebrating guests and faithful, while His Holiness Patriarch Abune Mathias I, Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Axum and Echege of the See of St. Tekle Haimanot, assisted by numerous Archbishops, priests and deacons of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, blessed the outside walls of the cathedral and then the interior, before he re-consecrated the three altars of the Cathedral and re-enshrined the Tabots upon them.  Their Imperial Highnesses Prince Ermias and Princess Saba, along with other senior members of the Imperial family, were guests of honor to witness the re-dedication of this holy site built by His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie.  The Cathedral hierarchy and the Renovation and Development Committee of the Cathedral offered special thanks to Prince Ermias for his efforts towards raising funds towards achieving the completed restoration.

His Holiness the Patriarch in his remarks published in honor of this occasion noted that:

 The ancient Israelites in the time of Moses established the Tent of the Tabernacle to carry out their religious rites, and King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem that served as the site of worship of the Almighty for 364 years.  After the passing of these houses of worship, the New Testament Church of Christ was established in the Upper Room of Zion in the home of the mother of St. Mark the Evangelist by the Holy Apostles and their teachings, as well as the efforts of the scholars of the early church, spreading across the world and down to our time….and so in the time of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie, with amazing skill and refinement, this great church was built to celebrate great celebrations, to enthrone our fathers the Holy Patriarchs, to consecrate the Bishops, to honor leaders of the country and other important people upon their passing, and lay them to rest.  As the age and deteriorated condition of Altar of Victory Holy Trinity Cathedral raised the concern of all of you our children in the Holy Spirit, both in the country and abroad, your great efforts to preserve this landmark and pass it on to future generations has borne fruit, and for that we offer thanks to God and congratulate you.

His Imperial Highness has expressed his great pleasure that this holy site, and monument to his grandfather Emperor Haile Selassie, as well as to many great patriots of the struggle against fascist occupation has been restored.  He is also deeply honored by the thanks offered to him personally for his efforts.