In his Keynote Address, at the Black Tie Dinner given to Launch the Imperial Society of St. George of Lalibela and to Commemorate the 112th Birth of HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I, on July 24th 2004, at Charleston South Carolina, HIH Prince Ermias Sahle Selassie, President of the Crown Council, made the first public announcement that the Crown Council has decided to change its direction from the realm of politics to cultural preservation, development, and humanitarian programmes.
Prince Ermias said that the decision was reached by the Crown Council after extensive discussion during 2003 and 2004. He added that it had proved to be a wise decision as it has already opened the door for closer cooperation with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Community in the USA. Furthermore, it will enable the Crown Council to promote that additional assistance be given for Development Programmes in Ethiopia.
More detailed information will be posted in the Current Events section of this website. All relevant websites will be adjusted accordingly to reflect this decision.